West Virginia Concealed Carry Law
Our online training course will allow you to apply for your New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License which is honored in West New Hampshire.
While West Virginia does issue carry permit/licenses to residents, the state does not issue carry permit/licenses to nonresidents.
Our online training course will allow you to apply for your New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License which is honored in West Virginia for residents and nonresidents, as well as honored in many other states.
West Virginia Concealed Carry Permit
Read below to view the most recent laws, regulations and guidelines regarding West Virginia’s Concealed Carry Laws As Of 2020*
Does This Course Qualify Me To Obtain A New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License?
Yes. You will NOT be applying for your permit in West Virginia. This is for you to obtain a New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License which is accepted in West Virginia as a valid concealed carry permit.
How Long is the New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License valid?
New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permits/licenses are valid for 5 years. We suggest you apply at least 90 days before the expiration of your permit to be sure you have plenty of time to submit it to the New Hampshire State Police to be renewed to allow enough time for you to get your new permit before the old one expires.
How to apply for your New Hampshire Nonresident Permit:
To apply for your New Hampshire Nonresident Permit: As a nonresident, you can take the online CCW permit from New Hampshire.
- Complete firearms training course at an accredited site like National Carry Academy (https://www.onlinecarrytraining.com).
- Download and print a certificate of successful completion.
- Apply to New Hampshire website. See (https://www.onlinecarrytraining.com).
- If you have questions, contact the state of New Hampshire (https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/nhsp/jib/permitslicensing/plupr.html).
- Download an application at: https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/nhsp/jib/permitslicensing/documents/dssp260.pdf
- Send application with a check for $100 to:
Department of Safety
New HampshireDivision of State Police
Permits and Licensing Unit
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
To obtain your New Hampshire Nonresident Carry Permit/License, you will need to submit an additional $100 made payable to the New Hampshire Police.
This class/training is only valid for one year before you apply for your permit. If you do not apply within one year, your training will not be valid and you will have to retake training per state law.
*Laws and outlines are updated to the best of our ability.
West Virginia Conceal Carry Laws Updated As of 2020.*
Useful Links:
State CCW Site: http://www.wvago.gov/gunrecep.cfm
State CCW Pamphlet August 2013: http://www.wvago.gov/pdf/gunrecep/On%20The%20Mark%20Booklet%20%28August_2013%29.pdf
Attorney General FAQ’s: http://www.wvago.gov/pdf/gunrecep/On%20The%20Mark%20Booklet%20%28August_2013%29.pdf
CCW Application: http://www.wvsp.gov/Pages/default.aspx
ST. Police FAQ’s: http://www.wvsp.gov/about/Pages/LegalDivisionFAQs.aspx
State Statutes: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/WVCODE/Code.cfm
State Admin Rules: http://www.sos.wv.gov/administrative-law/Pages/default.aspx
State Reciprocity Info: http://www.wvago.gov/gunrecep.cfm
State Attorney General: http://www.wvago.gov/
WV Firearms Laws: http://www.wvago.gov/pdf/gunrecep/West%20Virginia%20Firearm%20Laws%20Handbook%20(January%202013).pdf
Online Carry Training makes no representations or warranties regarding its customers’ legal right or ability to carry a firearm in states with reciprocal permit to carry or conceal and carry agreements with other jurisdictions. Though the state-specific certification our customers receive will allow them to apply for a permit under the laws of the state for which our classes are designed, such certification may not give you the legal right or ability to apply for permits in other states, including your home state. You should consult with appropriate law enforcement officials, or your own legal counsel, to determine whether or not the certification you receive from our courses will make you eligible apply for a permit in a particular state, or to otherwise carry a firearm in that state.